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Twin Flame Communication Workshop
Creating Healthy Twin Flame Communication Workshop

August 3rd at 2:00pm EST.
Oceana Kofoed
"Discover the secrets and truth on how to heal communication blocks with your Twin Flame and create lasting conscious communication."
August 3rd at 2:00pm EST
only $22
limited spots avaiable
Join Oceana for this powerful workshop on how to heal and create healthy communication with your Twin Flame...
You'll Discover:
The 1# Myth as to why your Twin Flame is running and not communicating
How to heal communication blocks utilizing the mirror exercise.
How to attract your Twin Flame and end the running.
The keys to having healthy conscious communication
Experience live healing and answer any questions you may have.
Meet your Guide & Coach

Oceana Kofoed
Oceana is a Certified Ascension Coach with Twin Flames Universe, and has been studying the Teachings of Union for over 6 years and is a dedicated student to her spiritual teachers Jeff and Shaleia. She is married to her true Twin Flame Charles and are raising their daughter Pearl together. Her work facilitates helping others heal from deep wounds around love, abundance, self-image, creativity, life purpose, and more. She sees Twin Flames as the highest conscious relationship, and a spiritual path to inner Union with self and God. Her goal is to help others heal separation with their true Twin Flame and attain Harmonious Union. To create the life of their dreams and their own Heaven on Earth.
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